Tuesday, July 24, 2007

what.. AGAIN?

This morning as reported from Santa Monica California, our current trouble teen, (despite the attainment of her legal majority)Lindsay Lohan had an unfortunate incidence of relapse into her former state of drunken stupidity.

Not only, it seems was she drunk, but apparently disorderly on top of it all.

A woman she was chasing dialed 911 to halt Lohan's chasing her in her own SUV.
We don't know why she was chasing her, and to be honest, I don't think I want to know.
The woman Lohan was allegedly chasing was the mother of her former personal assistant, who was frightened by the chase being played out and called 911.
The personal assistant had quit her job just hours before the scenario played out.
Lindsay is one of those people that you have to feel a certain amount of derision for, but intermingling would be some level of sadness and sympathy for her as well
Alcohol addiction is a progressive disease, and if one questions that statement we have only to view the Hollywood freeway for proof of it.
So many of our youthful actors and actresses seem to be willing to throw away their talents, and indeed their lives, for just one more drink, or one more drug.
Someone should tell them all in a way they can understand, that climbing inside a bottle, only makes you forget for a little while.. When you sober up, you probably have more problems than you did before that first drink..
Good luck to Lindsay with her next stint in rehab.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Mother of the Year she isn't..

Unfortunately you don't get lessons to be a parent, and no one watches over the critters you take in.
Britney apparently plunked down 3 grand to purchase a hapless pooch recently and PETA is not impressed with her furkid parenting skills.
Voted worlds worst Dog Owner last year, she gave the see ya later to her own three dogs last year.
"Britney needs a new puppy about as much as Lindsay Lohan needs a drink," PETA Vice President Dan Mathews tells MSN Entertainment. "She can barely look after herself and her kids, and she's tossed away so many dogs before. The only dog Britney is responsible enough to care for is a stuffed toy."
Matthews' advice for Spears: "She needs to surrender him to her local shelter for placement in a real home."

This is the only time you will ever hear me say I agree with the media whores commentary.. but sadly.. I do ..
Where did she take her new critter that evening?? To a loud and obnoxous dance studio, where it reportedly cried all night.. Now WHY doesn't that surprise me?

Friday, July 20, 2007

What Can You Say??

In Other Tragic Tales of Wasted Youth....

According to Bev Hills Police, Lindsay Lohan turned herself in to face DUI charges in her hit and run accident.

She was fingerprinted and photographed and released on her own recognizance.
The young lady's blood-alcohol level at the time of the crash was over the legal limit for California, however no one is saying how MUCh over it was. She is scheduled for court on the 24th of August.
The accident sent her running for rehab, her second term this year, the first being in January, when she apparently went to get clean, rather than because it would look good when going to court for crashing her car.
She checked out of rehab just a week or two ago, after six weeks of treatment.

The conservative Al Gore's kiddo, arrested in the wee hours of July fourth seems to have been partying somewhat a bit too heartily.

Al Gore III, 24, was arrested early in the morning on July 4, going well over 100 MPH in his Toyota. Police who searched the vehicle found pot, adderal, vicodin, xanax and valium.. I personally commend him for being able to START the care with all the various types of mind altering substances surrounding him.

He had been previously arrested. The little Gore faces several felony counts in connection with this particular arrest.

YOu say Tomato.....

The word is hooker.. or is it escort??
Deborah Palfrey is facing federal charges as the head of an escort service which had as many as 10,000 clients in the last ten odd years.
Among them, self proclaimed "sinners" such as Senator Vitter from Louisiana. and State Depts Randal Tobias.

larry King received this response, when asking her how many public figures she could expect to turn up on her list.."
"Well, Larry, I absolutely have no idea. We estimate statistically there are approximately 20 to 30 to 100 possibilities. And this is based upon a rough estimate of 10,000 clients who used the service over the past 13 or so years from 1993 to 2006."
Palfreys attorney, in her defense told Cnn that there were" more escort services in D.C. than McDonald's".
Now That is the one thing about DC we can absolutely believe!! »

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hm.. Makes Pefect Sense to Me

Victoria Beckham, aka Posh Spice, whose immigration to America has been a nine days wonder, reportedly snubbed Paris' overtures of friendship because the two had nothing in common.
Her comment, reportedly, was "You wouldn't catch me falling out of a nightclub with no knickers on".
Apparently when you're paid for it though its an entirely different affair.
Such things as modesty and decorum and proper behavior do tend fade in comparison to the chance to show if off to the world.

The Becks stripped off a few items for the cover of W magazine, and included a few hot bedroom photos as well.
I can see how the two things would be different.. Apparently it's only when you show your backside for free that it becomes tawdry.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 17, 2007, Celebrity Bytes.

Actress, talk show, fitness freak Oprah endured a tough weekend when one of her fur kids died accidentally.
Her dog walker it seems took the pups out for a walk and in a relatively short span of time she received a phone call saying one of her dogs wasn't breathing.
"I ran barefoot out of the house and found the dog walker and one of my security guys pumping her chest," Oprah relays in the August " O", her magazine. As Oprah reached the group who were doing cpr on the dog they told her she was gone.
It seems that the dog, called Gracie, had choked on a play ball. Oprah was reportedly inconsolable. I think anyone with furry children can relate to that.

Sting and his wife have been ordered to pay their former chef $51,000 upon the conclusion of a sexual-discrimination suit against them.

Their chef, Jane Martin, won the claim earlier this year, when she sued the couple for being fired after she became pregnant.
Jane Martin, 41, won her claim in May. She said she was fired after she became pregnant.

The coroners report is in, and it appears that Benoit was indeed taking drugs when he killed is family and himself.
Who among is is shocked by this news? saddened yes.. surprised, not all that greatly.
The trend seems to be whatever it takes to get ahead.. drugs, bribes and special favors all have a way of coming around to bite you in the.. _insert naughty word here_
What a tragic waste of life and talent. Best wishes to the family of Benoit.

Whatever he was, it is saddening that he will be remembered in this way.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Too Much Information?

Here's a celebrity byte that ought to irritate the target.. As if Lindsay Lohan’s not been in the news enough, there are reports circulating that she's far more than friends with her supposed BFF Samantha.

When she was in rehab, there was a constant and consistent communications going on though several avenues.
Purportedly the focus was the L word..

The headlines are coupling more than one unlikely pair this week. Baywatch favorite Pamela Anderson has also been linked with David Spade.
Doesn't sound too likely but I suppose it could happen.
Spotted in Vegas they were supposedly seen kissing and sipping red bull and vodka.

The wheels of justice turn... not at all, in the case of Nicole Richie, whose legal eagles deemed it best to stall a bit longer while they challenge the evidence in her case.
Her case centers on driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, which is seemingly just not that huge a deal to the Hollywood community, so why fight it?.

It's heinous to wear a fur, but acceptable to teach children by example to drink, drive and take illegal drugs.. Hm.. I am obviously very old. I fail to find logic in that.. However.. . Take your celebrity rap on the knuckles and your cordless phone and go directly to jail, along the way garnering some sympathy and some valuable free publicity.

Britney is in the news yet again.. this time it is reported that the Department of Child Services is investigating claims that she is an unfit mother..
I just can't imagine..

Friday, July 13, 2007

and in other news....

Paris Hilton, the very person the media deigned to deem "over reported" on, is back in the spotlight. Apparently someone has accused the sheriff's offices of granting her "special favors" . This surprises you only if you are in serious need of a reality check.

Reknowned Photog Annie Leibovitz apparently got more than she bargained for when she suggested to the Queen that she might want to remove her crown for the picture..reportedly she garnered a "tongue-lashing and a stare down" .
The Queen was being snapped in Buckingham Palace when the photographer suggested, "I think it will look better without the crown because the Garter robe is so ..."

Apparently before she could finish the thought, the queen responded, "Dressy [?] What do you think this is?" and left the room wtih a servant carrying her train, as befits her station don't you know.
It's to be hoped that some awesome images were gathered before hand. Its a pretty safe bet she won't be going again.

Insiders claim
Pitt and Jolie, with multiple trips down the aisle between them are planning ahead for an upcoming wedding.,A mega million pre-nup is reportedly in the works.

While I believe in planning ahead, I tend to feel the multimillion prenup is just a bit over the top.

Now THAT'S more like it..
Kudos to these celebrity dads.
Will, Tobey and Russell

celebrity dads who not only haven't failed to claim their offspring,
but actually seem to love them, and enjoy spending time with them.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Well THAT'S exciting

Lindsay Lohan, the latest big name to emerge from rehab with a "changed life" and supposedly a changed outlook, does have a single redeeming factor.
It seems the young lady in question has taken to reading Machiavelli.

The book she carries "with her everywhere" is, strangely enough, a book entitled "the Prince", which, for those of you who aren't fans of Machiavelli, The Prince is about man who, of necessity, has to discharge a batch of wicked deeds to achieve the greater good.
Granted, not what you might choose for a self help guide.
I, on the other hand, am grateful to find one of the Hollywood horde who is actually literate.

According to 24/Sizzler, Madonna and Morrisey aren't on friendly terms.

Eco friendly Morrisey took pot shots at Madonna that included her adopted son, bordering on bigotry in the process.
ccording to the Sizzlers spies, the Peta proud Morrisey ripped a comment off about Madonna, who has been known to wear a fur coat or two.“I wouldn’t be surprised if she [Madonna] made that African boy into a coat and wore him … for 15 minutes, and then threw it away.”
PETA it seems can brain wash even the ones you might have thought actually had a brain. Seems someone forgot to tell Mr. Morrisey that not all fur is murder. due to that pesky mortality thing, some of them just... die.. Being one of those who isn't apparently in the know, I just assumed it was better to use things than to let them rot on the side of a road.

Maybe it's just me, but the PETA-celebrity link lately does tend to be as overdone as Paris Hilton and substance abuse, and probably causes more stomach upset

Morrisey, who wrote the ever popular "Meat is Murder" has been a staunch supporter of animal rights since an early age.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You Don't Say II

According to papers posted on the "Smoking Gun"(TM) last week, (A search warrant affadavit)the DEA was aware that Benoit's doctor Astin was prescribing him a "ten month supply" of anabolic steriods every three to four weeks" during a period from May 06 to May of 07.

It seems they knew he was what they called "an excessive purchaser of injectable steroids" before he killed himself and his family earlier this month.
The obvious question would be, why wait until the inevitable happened before you took that under advisement?/

Anne Heche Our favorite gay again-straight again actress and her estranged husband are reportedly embroiled in a bitter ongoing battle.

She and Coley Laffoon are arguing over some of the possessions of their home.

The temporary issuance of a judges order gives them the directive to alternate use of the house while Anne is in LA.
Most notable among the possessions they are at odds over are a king sized bed and a ... footstool??

Can you say... materialistic?

Lily Allen, Brit pop star says she doesn’t want to be a celebrity.
Still she seems willing to become part of the elite when it comes to doing what celebrities do.
Allen, aged 21, purportedly punched out photog Kevin rush a couple weeks ago was arrested in London Thursday on charges of punching photographer Kevin Rush.

Apparently it happened in London in March as she left a well known club with her boyfriend.

Lindsay Lohan had drugs in her system when she was involved in the auto accident recently??
Oh you're joking..
Apparently Lohan had cocaine and "nearly twice the legal amount of alcohol" in her blood when she was arrested last month TMZ.com reports.
A spokesperson from the DA's offices say they are still gathering information and are not ready to release information.(don't look now, but someone released it for you.)
Lindsay will be arraigned on August 24.

DA’s Office spokeswoman Jane Robison says they are still gathering reports from police and are not ready to release any information on Lohan or to charge her with a crime. Lohan’s arraignment is set for Aug. 24

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

You Don't Say...

Lionel Richie, when questioned about his daughter’s drunken driving, responded with this:

“She’s just in an unfortunate situation,”

The master of understatements that comment..

I'd personally say that's more than true, however given that this is her second offense, the "situation" rises in estimation to a "chronic situation" .
I would think those who are faced with her remaining behind the wheel, are the unfortunate ones.

Phil Spector's security guard says he heard him say, that all women should be shot in the head.

Is there one of us alive who hasn't ranted against the opposite sex at one point or another, regardless of how diplomatic or Pc we try to be.

After my own second divorce I personally believed that if men weren't in possession of a certain anatomical part, we'd have a bounty on them as nuisance animals.

In croatia,
Goran Visnjic is being accused of being a not-so-proud papa.

A woman has accused the ‘ER’ cast member of fathering a little girl who is 4 months

While it boggles the mind that many of the stars of today, with all their positive assets can't take simple responsibility for things like this, it isn't a huge shock is it?

Mirela Rupic filed a lawsuit after Visnjic refused to recognize the child as his.

When in the course of human events, a woman insists on a paternity test, she's usually fairly certain of her accusation.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


It seems that there is a round of nastiness playing out on the beauty queen circuit.
In its article entitled "Tainted Tiaras" ABC news reported this morning on pageant winners being the target of blackmail and extortion in an attempt to make them give up the crowns.

Using some photos of Amy Polumbo, taken long before she was crowned Miss New Jersey, blackmailers gave her a deadline to step down.
She appears before a local Miss American chapter next week who will decide whether or not she keeps the crown.

YOu have to remember the Vanessa tribulations.
You have to view this from all angles really don't you.

Angle one:

People aren't perfect. They make mistakes and they move on.. This shows their strength of purpose, how they've grown.

Angle Two:

Pageants are a waste. This is proven by their inability to permit people who are strong and got past bad episodes in their lives, to move on. They must be seen as absolutely perfect. The Barbie doll image personified. They must not admit to ever having made a human mistake. Pageantry encourages dishonesty by virtue of what it says. You must be perfect.. and in reality, no one ever is.

Angle the third..
Are all beauty queens inherent idiots?/
I'm not saying that you don't make mistakes.. we all do.. I AM saying that if you made a mistake huge enough to lose you a crown, and you let someone PHOTOGRAPH you doing it. Then you truly have a great deal to learn.

Friday, July 6, 2007

What Next??

Jessica Smith,

a previous member of the cast of MTV's "Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County," recently got three years probation after pleading guilty to .. gasp... drunken driving..Smith was also ordered to do 80 hours of community service and pay over a thousand dollars in fines.
The rules are apparently different for celebrities.. She was arrested after driving drunk and hitting another car, causing slight injuries to two people..
So.. how.. did we get from there to misdemeanor DUI?? well apparently she only caused minor injuries and that makes it all okey dokey..
Her arrest came after she crashed into a Beetle on the freeway.. Way to teach her responsibility for those actions judge..

Did she or didn't she??

Avril Lavigne is facing a lawsuit brought by a 1970s rock band who claims that her song "Girlfriend" is a ripoff of their music.

Tommy Dunbar and James Gangwer are filing the lawsuit filed alleging that Lavigne and her co-writers swiped their 1979 song "I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend," which was originally performed by new wave band The Rubinoos.
The duo explained their actions by commenting.."
"We are not so naive as to chalk it up to some sort of cosmic coincidence,"
Sheesh.. ya don't think?/

OH DEAAAR GOD?? Tell me you aren't buying this ridiculous example of an excuse

When all else fails in Hollywood, you grasp the "method acting" defense.. Britney Spears latest, and in my humble opinion very best, attempted explanation of the car attack..informed her public.. with a straight face no less, that she attacked a car with an umbrella -- because she was... rehearsing for a movie role.
Well alright then..
As the fading pop star attempts to revive her career after some real issues such as a go at rehab, the ever popular panty-less pics and a divorce pending, she has posted a new comment on her website, www.britneyspears.com, apologizing to the photo snappers for the minor incident, calling it a "stunt."
"I was preparing my character for a roll ..." the 25-year-old wrote. "I take all my rolls very seriously and got a little carried away."

She failed to name the movie and claims to have not gotten the part.. QUELLE surprise.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

and so it goes...

Just when you thought they might make it..

Just after a judge sentenced Rocker Pet Doherty to enter rehab for drug and driving offenses, Moss hired movers to take his belongings out of her home.
having spent several years on mothering the man though some serious stuff, I can't say I blame her for knowing when to fold her hand and pack it in.

And in another tragic tale of wasted youth...

Al Gore III, illustrious silver spooner son of Vice President Al Gore was arrested on "suspicion of drug possession on Wednesday".
source story

Gores little man, aged 24 was pulled over after 2 in the morning for purportedly driving at a high rate of speed (100 mph)
in the Laguna Hills area.
Deputies searching the car found vicodin, valium, xanax, soma, adderall and marijuana.
Da-amn.. and he was STILL driving fast?

Al's Boy and Paris aren't the only ones who seem to be less than strictly law abiding citizens ..

Among the who's who crew, more than just a few have seen the inside of a cell.

Among the jailbirds in recent memory:

"Rocky" actor Sylvester Stallone pled guilty to bringing vials of an illegal performance-enhancing drug, into Australia. facing up to five years in prison and close to $90,000 in fines

Ty Pennington was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving in Los Angeles on May 5

The list, just seems to go on.. paris Hilton, Zsa Zsa, Mel Gibson..
Do you think it might be easier if we just listed who hasn't been arrested??

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

July 4 2007. US Independence Day

It seems congratulations are in order

Singer Christina Aguilera and husband are pregnant... Or are they??
has been rumored pregnant prior to now, the latest being in February of this year.. Time will tell I guess.. If so, she isn't the only entertainer who is replenishing the earth..
Actress Demi Moore recently showed off her extra baggage in NYC at the "live Free or Die Hard" movie of ex-husband Bruce Willis.

The baby boom, it seems isn't always a happy occasion.

HUGE surprise huh?? Stepping up in celebrity world sometimes simply means stepping up the plane ramp to bolt from responsibility.
"Scary Spice", aka Melanie Brown claims she is taking Eddie Murphy to court. Iris Angel Murphy Brown has not yet been presented with a paternity test from her alleged daddy, and Melanie is taking him to court to force him to do so.
Meanwhile, erstwhile Eddie, claims on television to not know who the baby belongs to. Come on buddy.. you may not know who fathered the little girl for certain, but you certainly know if theres a chance it belongs to you..
Unless you seriously lack in short term memory, little things like sex with a Spice girl just don't slip your mind.

Still backpedaling with furious speed, " I am not homophobic – in no way, shape or form," said Isaiah Washington, with regard to the slur he reportedly tossed.

But Washington did reportedly admit to feeling guilty about repeating it backstage at the Golden Globe Awards. "I wish I could take that back," Washington said.

How about this instead.. why not try.. THINKING before you open your mouth.. Novel idea I'm sure among the ranks of the rich and spoiled, but its a common thing out here in the real world.
I do admit to a bit of sympathy for Washington though.
In todays politically correct society, if we so much as hint at not liking someone who isn't of our race, path, religion or beliefs, we are labeled instantly as a bigot..
Now in some cases thats probably true, but there are reasons to suspect that Washington was irritated at things other than the beliefs or sexuality of his costar.
Why is it, that we can't hate someone with impunity unless they match up with us in every aspect.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Celebrity Buzz, July 3

Oh Wow.
Isaiah Washington,
Fired from Greys Anatomy had a lot to say about his job loss, on Larry King Live blaming it and his own temper and nasty mouth on his co-star..
He even went so far as to use a rather bigoted slur, and then backpedaled furiously, claiming he wasn't slamming him when he used the word "fa**ot" but was just calling him "somebody who is being weak."
A little common sense thing someone forgot to tell him. Whether it comes from black or white, bigotry is always wrong, and its always ugly.
Rather than the apology that would and should have come from anyone else, he gave us his own patented brand of BS and expected it to be believed.. Nice touch Isaiah, way to step up and be responsible.

Talk about Strange Brew.
Former Madam to the stars, Heidi Fleiss, has opened, a LAUNDROMAT??

Located in Pahrump, Nev. her washing facility will house 13 wasshers and dryers. The name of the place.. Dirty Laundry..
How utterly appropriate.

Maria Shriver,

Arnolds first lady, looks a great deal more like a bag lady, in this photo, snapped by paparazzi as she lunched.
What were you THINKING girl??

Speaking of what in the hell were you thinking..
The judge told Pete Doherty, front man and lead singer of Babyshambles he has one last chance. It's either rehab, or custody for him..
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the same guy who's been has been undergoing drug treatment from another court order because of more convictions. Not conviction.. but plural folks... convictionS.
Now if you and I pleaded guilty to having this much dope and driving.. they'd toss the key away and start sliding our food under the door..

Here's the thing.. when you order them to rehab and it doesn't work more than once.. why would you offer them ONE MORE CHANCe.
This time, he's pleaded guilty to " possessing quantities of crack cocaine, heroin, cannabis and ketamine as well as to two driving offenses". What exactly will it take for this judge to figure out.. he really hasn't been taking his rehab seriously??

KUDOS to Oceans Thirteen Stars
for their donations to Darfur victims.
The group raised and donated $5.5 million to humanitarian efforts in Sudan’s Darfur region.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Celebrities at a glance

Has Paris Hilton really learned her lesson or is she gearing up for another round?
According to the Boston Globe
Paris has divested herself of her former legal team and is now being cared for by an attorney specializing in defending drunken drivers.
Strange move for someone who's learned their lesson.

Rosie O'Donnell.

Does anyone remember what we liked about her?. It is apparent that her vituperative style hasn't won her any real friends or fans, however even I, who once admired certain aspects of her character have to shout "foul" when presented with her latest escapades.
Dressing her child in guerilla gear in an effort to make a statement, most assuredly makes a statement.
The children in the countries at war, we see that point Ms O'Donnell. But heres the difference, and I will speak slowly.. Repeat after me.
We CAN make a political statement without using and exploiting our children.

They are a fairly precious commodity. Using yours, no matter what the reason, is not one bit different than the people who use or exploit them for any other reason.
What on earth was this woman thinking.
If you REALLY want to make a statement Rosie.. Try losing fifty pounds.
It's apparent to us that you have your own issues to address before you can save the rest of us from ours.

The Spice Girls

Arguably one of the better chicky bands, are on tour again. A few years older and a few pounds added.. Still the music wasn't bad.. was it??

Salman Rushdie

Whose"Satanic Verses" earned him a death sentence by one of the former Iranian grand poobahs that has never been revoked, today announced that he is soon to be divorced from his fourth wife.Source