Monday, July 2, 2007

Celebrities at a glance

Has Paris Hilton really learned her lesson or is she gearing up for another round?
According to the Boston Globe
Paris has divested herself of her former legal team and is now being cared for by an attorney specializing in defending drunken drivers.
Strange move for someone who's learned their lesson.

Rosie O'Donnell.

Does anyone remember what we liked about her?. It is apparent that her vituperative style hasn't won her any real friends or fans, however even I, who once admired certain aspects of her character have to shout "foul" when presented with her latest escapades.
Dressing her child in guerilla gear in an effort to make a statement, most assuredly makes a statement.
The children in the countries at war, we see that point Ms O'Donnell. But heres the difference, and I will speak slowly.. Repeat after me.
We CAN make a political statement without using and exploiting our children.

They are a fairly precious commodity. Using yours, no matter what the reason, is not one bit different than the people who use or exploit them for any other reason.
What on earth was this woman thinking.
If you REALLY want to make a statement Rosie.. Try losing fifty pounds.
It's apparent to us that you have your own issues to address before you can save the rest of us from ours.

The Spice Girls

Arguably one of the better chicky bands, are on tour again. A few years older and a few pounds added.. Still the music wasn't bad.. was it??

Salman Rushdie

Whose"Satanic Verses" earned him a death sentence by one of the former Iranian grand poobahs that has never been revoked, today announced that he is soon to be divorced from his fourth wife.Source

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