Tuesday, July 24, 2007

what.. AGAIN?

This morning as reported from Santa Monica California, our current trouble teen, (despite the attainment of her legal majority)Lindsay Lohan had an unfortunate incidence of relapse into her former state of drunken stupidity.

Not only, it seems was she drunk, but apparently disorderly on top of it all.

A woman she was chasing dialed 911 to halt Lohan's chasing her in her own SUV.
We don't know why she was chasing her, and to be honest, I don't think I want to know.
The woman Lohan was allegedly chasing was the mother of her former personal assistant, who was frightened by the chase being played out and called 911.
The personal assistant had quit her job just hours before the scenario played out.
Lindsay is one of those people that you have to feel a certain amount of derision for, but intermingling would be some level of sadness and sympathy for her as well
Alcohol addiction is a progressive disease, and if one questions that statement we have only to view the Hollywood freeway for proof of it.
So many of our youthful actors and actresses seem to be willing to throw away their talents, and indeed their lives, for just one more drink, or one more drug.
Someone should tell them all in a way they can understand, that climbing inside a bottle, only makes you forget for a little while.. When you sober up, you probably have more problems than you did before that first drink..
Good luck to Lindsay with her next stint in rehab.

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