Monday, July 23, 2007

Mother of the Year she isn't..

Unfortunately you don't get lessons to be a parent, and no one watches over the critters you take in.
Britney apparently plunked down 3 grand to purchase a hapless pooch recently and PETA is not impressed with her furkid parenting skills.
Voted worlds worst Dog Owner last year, she gave the see ya later to her own three dogs last year.
"Britney needs a new puppy about as much as Lindsay Lohan needs a drink," PETA Vice President Dan Mathews tells MSN Entertainment. "She can barely look after herself and her kids, and she's tossed away so many dogs before. The only dog Britney is responsible enough to care for is a stuffed toy."
Matthews' advice for Spears: "She needs to surrender him to her local shelter for placement in a real home."

This is the only time you will ever hear me say I agree with the media whores commentary.. but sadly.. I do ..
Where did she take her new critter that evening?? To a loud and obnoxous dance studio, where it reportedly cried all night.. Now WHY doesn't that surprise me?

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