Thursday, July 12, 2007

Well THAT'S exciting

Lindsay Lohan, the latest big name to emerge from rehab with a "changed life" and supposedly a changed outlook, does have a single redeeming factor.
It seems the young lady in question has taken to reading Machiavelli.

The book she carries "with her everywhere" is, strangely enough, a book entitled "the Prince", which, for those of you who aren't fans of Machiavelli, The Prince is about man who, of necessity, has to discharge a batch of wicked deeds to achieve the greater good.
Granted, not what you might choose for a self help guide.
I, on the other hand, am grateful to find one of the Hollywood horde who is actually literate.

According to 24/Sizzler, Madonna and Morrisey aren't on friendly terms.

Eco friendly Morrisey took pot shots at Madonna that included her adopted son, bordering on bigotry in the process.
ccording to the Sizzlers spies, the Peta proud Morrisey ripped a comment off about Madonna, who has been known to wear a fur coat or two.“I wouldn’t be surprised if she [Madonna] made that African boy into a coat and wore him … for 15 minutes, and then threw it away.”
PETA it seems can brain wash even the ones you might have thought actually had a brain. Seems someone forgot to tell Mr. Morrisey that not all fur is murder. due to that pesky mortality thing, some of them just... die.. Being one of those who isn't apparently in the know, I just assumed it was better to use things than to let them rot on the side of a road.

Maybe it's just me, but the PETA-celebrity link lately does tend to be as overdone as Paris Hilton and substance abuse, and probably causes more stomach upset

Morrisey, who wrote the ever popular "Meat is Murder" has been a staunch supporter of animal rights since an early age.

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