Tuesday, July 10, 2007

You Don't Say...

Lionel Richie, when questioned about his daughter’s drunken driving, responded with this:

“She’s just in an unfortunate situation,”

The master of understatements that comment..

I'd personally say that's more than true, however given that this is her second offense, the "situation" rises in estimation to a "chronic situation" .
I would think those who are faced with her remaining behind the wheel, are the unfortunate ones.

Phil Spector's security guard says he heard him say, that all women should be shot in the head.

Is there one of us alive who hasn't ranted against the opposite sex at one point or another, regardless of how diplomatic or Pc we try to be.

After my own second divorce I personally believed that if men weren't in possession of a certain anatomical part, we'd have a bounty on them as nuisance animals.

In croatia,
Goran Visnjic is being accused of being a not-so-proud papa.

A woman has accused the ‘ER’ cast member of fathering a little girl who is 4 months

While it boggles the mind that many of the stars of today, with all their positive assets can't take simple responsibility for things like this, it isn't a huge shock is it?

Mirela Rupic filed a lawsuit after Visnjic refused to recognize the child as his.

When in the course of human events, a woman insists on a paternity test, she's usually fairly certain of her accusation.

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